Access Funera's Mandaean Agreement Here

I authorise FUNERA to conduct the given funeral. I understand that I have been given a general quote on the entire service and note that there might be variations given the condition of the decease once transferred into our care. All data that I provide in the “Firehawk Link” will been entered correctly and is true to the best of my knowledge. I will check all fields upon completion and note that I will be liable for any costs that incur if an error is presented and/or needs amendment. I consent to the transfer of the deceased by FUNERA or their nominated transfer companies. I consent for the services to proceed without any delays and note that if I choose to delay the service, cost variations may occur.
Burial Package $1875 Coffins: Richmond Teak Matt Coffin Flowers: Not Required Transfers: Deceased staying at home (No Charge) Day of Service: Weekday

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