Leaving A Legacy: The Quick Guide To Charitable Bequests With Funera Sydney

Leaving A Legacy: The Quick Guide To Charitable Bequests With Funera Sydney

In the world of estate planning, ever thought about adding a touch of philanthropy to your legacy? Funera Sydney is here to make the process quick and easy. Let's dive in!

Understanding Bequests 101

Bequests are your way of passing on items or a slice of your estate to someone special after you're gone. Two types to know:

  • Specific Bequest: Think specific gifts like a car, money, or a percentage of your bank stash.
  • General Bequest: A grand gesture—handing over your entire collection of assets, be it furniture or that prized record collection.

How to Bequeath to Charity

Here's the express lane to weaving charity into your Will:

  • Pick Your Cause: Choose a charity that tugs at your heartstrings.
  • Type of Gift: Decide if you're going with cash, items, or a bit of both.
  • Spell It Out: Clearly mention your charitable wish in your Will and loop in your Executor or Next of Kin.

Crafting Your Charitable Blueprint

Keep it crystal clear to avoid any plot twists. Here's the breakdown:

  • Spot Your Charity: Nail down the exact name and details. A chat with their Bequests Officer is a smart move.
  • Specific Bequest: If it's cash for Cancer Council Victoria, pen it like this:
    I give to Cancer Council Victoria (ABN 61 426 486 715) the sum of $10,000 for its general purposes.
  • Plan B: Life throws curveballs. Add a line letting your Executor redirect the gift if things change.

Leaving Your Estate with Style

If percentages are more your vibe, here's the lingo:
I give to the whole (or x %) of my residuary estate, not otherwise disposed of.

Parting Words

Funera Sydney hopes this turbo guide makes charity a breeze in your estate plan. Need more than a sprint? For complex situations, shout out to the pros. And remember, your legacy can be a ripple of generosity, echoing beyond your time.

For a speedier chat or assistance, dial Funera Sydney:

  • Sydney: (02) 9954 6655, (02) 9954 6655
  • Newcastle: (02) 4955 1110
  • Wollongong: (02) 4243 8755
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