Unveiling 2020’s Surprise: A Drop in Death Rates Amidst COVID

Unveiling 2020’s Surprise: A Drop in Death Rates Amidst COVID

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has flipped expectations with its latest findings on the top 10 causes of death for 2020. Despite the challenges posed by the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, the mortality rate in Australia took an unexpected dip, down by 8,001. In 2020, there were 161,300 registered deaths, compared to 169,301 in 2019 (ABS data). Even more surprising was COVID-19's 38th rank among causes of death, with just 898 recorded deaths.
Key Insights:
  • Heart disease retained its top spot in the leading causes of death.
  • Stay-at-home orders impacted mortality rates, reducing deaths from influenza and pneumonia.
  • Suicide, drug overdoses, and motor vehicle incidents also saw decreases.
  • Alcohol-induced deaths increased by 8.3%.
This decline in mortality was widespread across the country, except for the Australian Capital Territory.

Births Follow Suit

In an intriguing parallel, 2020 saw a nearly four per cent decrease in births, with around 294,400 babies born compared to 306,200 in 2019 (Statista).

As we anticipate the official ABS 2020 birth figures in December 2021, the question lingers: Did lockdowns lead to a pandemic baby boom? Time will unveil the answer.

For compassionate and affordable funeral services, rely on Funera Sydney. Contact us at the following numbers:

Sydney: (02) 9954 6655 | Sydney (02) 9954 6655 | Newcastle (02) 4955 1110 | Wollongong (02) 4243 8755.
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