Luxe Bouquet

Luxe Bouquet


This exquisite bouquet is a beautiful and elegant way to express your condolences and pay tribute to a loved one. It features a stunning mix of fresh flowers, including lilies, roses, hydrangeas, and eucalyptus, arranged in a classic and timeless style. The soft color palette of white, cream, and peach creates a serene and peaceful atmosphere, while the lush greenery adds a touch of life and vitality. This bouquet is perfect for funerals, memorials, or any other occasion where you want to express your sympathy and support.


  • Hand-crafted with fresh, high-quality flowers
  • Elegant and timeless design
  • Soft and calming color palette
  • Perfect for funerals, memorials, or sympathy occasions
  • Available for delivery

We always source the freshest and best quality flowers! Flower presentation and variety may vary due to season availability. We will always substitute with flowers of equal or greater value and quality. If you have specific requests, please add to ‘Order Notes’ when checking out. We will do our best to accommodate your request.


This exquisite bouquet is a beautiful and elegant way to express your condolences and pay tribute to a loved one. It features a stunning mix of fresh flowers, including lilies, roses, hydrangeas, and eucalyptus, arranged in a classic and timeless style. The soft color palette of white, cream, and peach creates a serene and peaceful atmosphere, while the lush greenery adds a touch of life and vitality. This bouquet is perfect for funerals, memorials, or any other occasion where you want to express your sympathy and support.


  • Hand-crafted with fresh, high-quality flowers
  • Elegant and timeless design
  • Soft and calming color palette
  • Perfect for funerals, memorials, or sympathy occasions
  • Available for delivery
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