The Difference Between Casket and Coffin

The Difference Between Casket and Coffin

It might be challenging to choose between a coffin and a casket when organizing a funeral for a loved one. It might be challenging to decide which sort of coffin or casket is most appropriate when there are so many variations and customizations available.

The primary distinctions between a coffin and a casket in terms of design, cost, and utility are discussed in this article. It will support you as you choose the coffin or casket that best fits the funeral you're planning.

You might believe that "casket" is simply another word for "coffin," but that is untrue. Actually, these are two completely distinct products. Although both coffins and caskets are frequently used in funeral preparation, their shapes and styles can differ noticeably.

The image of a classic coffin is typically what comes to mind when most people think of a coffin or casket. The primary distinction between a coffin and a casket is shape. Coffins frequently have a broader top with greater space and a tapered bottom. A coffin's lid flips open, and there are grips on either side to help you carry it.

Caskets, in comparison, are rectangular and have no variations in either width or length. The upper part of a casket's split lid can be opened as needed for an open-casket viewing or during the funeral thanks to this design feature.

According to, coffin and casket pricing might vary greatly depending on the supplier. Prices for coffins can typically range from about $600 to as much as $10,000 for more upscale or custom designs. On the other hand, caskets can cost anywhere between $1,500 for a simple casket and upwards of

The least expensive alternative is to use "cardboard coffins," which normally cost around $600. Since there is no formal funeral or ceremony and they are typically used for immediate cremations, they are not on display to the general public.

In addition to being more affordable, "cardboard coffins" also contribute to lowering CO2 emissions because they have a less carbon footprint than conventional coffins made of wood.

Basic coffins cost between $800 and $1,500 and are made of plywood or medium-density fiberboard. Typically, these coffins have a flat top and plastic grips.

Coffins in the middle price level, which cost between $2,000 and $4,000, feature a little more detail and craftsmanship. They typically have metal handles, a tier-style cover, a varnished appearance, and more intricate craftsmanship.

Due to their better linings and other amenities like cushions and inside trimmings, caskets are typically more expensive than coffins. If you want to incorporate a viewing in the funeral ritual, the double lid tops allow for that.

Depending on your choice of customization, a casket can cost anywhere from $2,000 and $15,000 if you're planning a funeral and would prefer one. You should budget more than $6,000 for a casket with more opulent embellishments. These upscale solutions can frequently be carefully tailored to a family's preferences.

Caskets have more intricate external construction and a wider range of wood or material finishes.

Additionally, they could have tops with two lids so that you can watch.

Simple interior trimmings only and a single lid top are more economical casket options, however they are not suited for viewings.


When arranging a funeral, choosing between a coffin and a casket is a personal choice. Depending on what would be the most fitting way to say goodbye to your loved one, there are numerous options available at various price points. When deciding between a coffin and a casket, take into account the type of funeral service you're planning and what's best to say goodbye to your loved one. You might also take into account other important elements like money, impact on the environment, and practicality. Read more about how funerals affect the environment in this article.
If money is tight, it may be advantageous to choose a coffin rather than a casket because they are frequently less expensive. A coffin with a double lid top will typically be a better choice if you're organizing a funeral with a visitation. On the other hand, a "cardboard coffin" would be more appropriate if you're planning an unsupervised direct cremation.
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